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The Aboria::Particles
gives you neighbourhood searching functionality, using a variety of spatial
data structures as described below. All these data structure can be used in
any number of dimensions, with arbitrary periodicity. Any neighbour search
is performed within a hypercube domain, with extents specified by the user.
To start with, we will create a particle set in three dimensions (the default) containing a few randomly placed particles
const size_t N = 100; ABORIA_VARIABLE(neighbours_count, int, "number of neighbours") typedef Particles<std::tuple<neighbours_count>> particle_t; typedef particle_t::position position; particle_t particles(N); std::default_random_engine gen; std::uniform_real_distribution<double> uniform(-1, 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) { get<position>(particles)[i] = vdouble3(uniform(gen), uniform(gen), uniform(gen)); }
Before you can use the neighbourhood searching, you need to initialise the
domain using the Aboria::Particles::init_neighbour_search
In this case, we will initialise a domain from $(-1,-1,-1)$ to $(1,1,1)$, which is periodic in all directions.
vdouble3 min = vdouble3::Constant(-1); vdouble3 max = vdouble3::Constant(1); vbool3 periodic = vbool3::Constant(true); particles.init_neighbour_search(min, max, periodic);
Once this is done you can begin using the neighbourhood search queries using
the Aboria::euclidean_search
function. This returns an forward-only iterator providing const access to a
sequence of particles that lie within a certain distance of a given point.
This iterator can be compared with a boolean to let you know when you have
reached that last particle.
For example, the following counts all the particles within a distance radius
of the point $(0,0,0)$.
double radius = 0.2; int count = 0; for (auto i = euclidean_search(particles.get_query(), vdouble3::Constant(0), radius); i != false; ++i) { count++; } std::cout << "There are " << count << " particles.\n";
Note that Aboria::euclidean_search
uses the euclidean or 2-norm distance ($\sqrt{\sum_i^d x^2}$), but there are
other functions for other distance norms. Aboria::manhatten_search
uses the 1-norm ($\sum_i^d |x|$), Aboria::chebyshev_search
uses the inf-norm ($\max_i^d |x|$), and you can use the generic Aboria::distance_search
for the
$p$-norm ($(\sum_i^d x^n)^{1/n}$), where $p$ is any integer greater than 0.
When dereferenced, the neighbourhood iterator returns a constant reference
to the found particle object, with type Aboria::Particles::const_reference
or Aboria::search_iterator::reference
You can also use the function Aboria::search_iterator::dx()
to access a vector $\mathbf{dx}_{ij}$ pointing to the found point from the
query point. I.e. if $\mathbf{x}_i$ is the query point and $\mathbf{x}_j$ is
the found point, then $\mathbf{dx}_{ij} = \mathbf{x}_j - \mathbf{x}_i$.
The dx
vector is useful for
periodic domains, the returned vector $\mathbf{dx}_{ij}$ takes periodic domains
into account and returns the $\mathbf{dx}_{ij}$ with the smallest length.
For example,
for (auto i = euclidean_search(particles.get_query(), vdouble3::Constant(0), radius); i != false; ++i) { std::cout << "Found a particle with dx = " << i.dx() << " and id = " << get<id>(*i) << "\n"; }
Once you start to alter the positions of the particles, you will need to update
the neighbourhood data structure that is used for the search. This is done
using the Aboria::Particles::update_positions
function. For example, to move all the particles by a random value and then
update the data structure, you would use the following code:
for (auto &x : get<position>(particles)) { x += vdouble3(uniform(gen), uniform(gen), uniform(gen)); } particles.update_positions();
Note: if you did not call update_positions()
after the loop, then subsequent neighbour
searches would be incorrect
The function Aboria::Particles::update_positions
can also take a pair of iterators corresponding to the range of particle positions
you wish to update. For example, if you wish to only move and update a single
particle, you could write
get<position>(particles)[5] = vdouble3(0.1, 0, 0); particles.update_positions(particles.begin() + 5, particles.begin() + 6);
Note that this code is valid only for the default Aboria::CellList
neighbour data structure (see below), as this is (currently) the only data
structure that does not depend on the specific ordering of the particles in
the particles
vector, and thus
the only data structure that can update a single particle independently to
the others. The other data structures will generate a run-time error in this
You can also use update_positions
to delete particles. Any particles with their alive
flag set to false
will be deleted
by the update_positions
For example, if you wish to delete all the particles with an x coordinate less
than 0
you could write:
for (auto p : particles) { if (get<position>(p)[0] < 0) { get<alive>(p) = false; } } particles.update_positions();
If you wish to delete a single particle using the range version of update_positions
, then the second iterator
you pass to the function must be the end()
iterator of the particles
vector. Recall that particles
is a vector, and therefore deleting a particle at a given index in the vector
neccessarily moves all the particles after this index
get<alive>(particles)[5] = false; particles.update_positions(particles.begin() + 5, particles.end());
There are two cell list data structures within Aboria. Both divide the domain into a regular grid of hypercubes with side length set so that the average number of particles within each box is close to a given value. Each particle in the container is assigned to the cell that contains its position, and neighbourhood queries search within that cell and its neighbours within the given radius.
For example, the following diagram illustrates a cell list data structure in two dimensions, shown as a regular array of grey squares each containing zero or more particles. The user wishes to find all the particles within a given euclidean distance around the red point. To accomplish this query efficiently, Aboria would then search all the red-shaded cells for particles that fall within the red circle.
The first cell list data structure supports serial insertion of particles,
and parallel queries. The relevant classes are Aboria::CellList
and Aboria::CellListQuery
This data structure can be selected on a per-particle-set basis, by setting
the fourth template argument for Aboria::Particles
typedef Particles<std::tuple<>, 3, std::vector, CellList> particle_bs_serial_t; particle_bs_serial_t particle_bs_serial;
You will notice that we also need to specify the vector data structure that
the particle container uses, which in this case is a std::vector
The alternative is a cell-list data structure that supports parallel insertion
of points, and parallel queries. This constantly re-orders the particles
in the particle container so that they are sorted into individual cells,
so if particles are changing cells often this can be slower. But theoretically
(this hasn't been tested yet) this should speed up neighbourhood search queries
as the particles that are local in memory are also local in space. The relevant
classes are Aboria::CellListOrdered
and Aboria::CellListOrderedQuery
and you can use this data structure like so:
typedef Particles<std::tuple<>, 3, std::vector, CellListOrdered> particle_bs_parallel_t; particle_bs_parallel_t particle_bs_parallel;
The two cell-list datastructures support an alternate neighbour search facility
that can be faster than the typical Aboria search iterators described above.
The key assumption of this fast search is that the regular cells have a width
greater than or equal to two times the search radius, and that the same search
(i.e. same radius) is to be performed for every single particle in the set.
If we want to use the same search radius radius
as before, we can ensure this is true by setting the n_particles_in_leaf
argument of the Aboria::Particles::init_neighbour_search
function to $n = N\frac{(radius)^D}{V}$, where $N$ is the total number of
particles in the set, $V$ is the volume of the domain, and $D$ is the number
of spatial dimensions. That is,
const double required_n = N * std::pow(radius, 3) / std::pow(2.0, 3); particles.init_neighbour_search(min, max, periodic, required_n);
Given this assumption, a fast neighbour search would be to simply look in
all the possible pairs of neighbouring cells for possible neighbouring particle
pairs. To enable this, Aboria provides the Aboria::get_neighbouring_buckets
function, which returns an iterator that steps through all possible pairs
of neighbouring buckets. The user can then iterate over each bucket pair,
looping through all the particle within in bucket using either the Aboria::CellListQuery::get_bucket_particles
or Aboria::CellListOrderedQuery::get_bucket_particles
functions. For example, to count up the number of neighbours within a distance
of radius
, you might write:
for (auto ij = get_neighbouring_buckets(particles.get_query()); ij != false; ++ij) { auto tpl = *ij; auto i = std::get<0>(tpl); // bucket i auto j = std::get<1>(tpl); // bucket j // position offset to apply to particles in i (for periodic boundaries) auto poffset = std::get<2>(tpl); for (auto pi = particles.get_query().get_bucket_particles(i); pi != false; ++pi) { const Vector<double, 3> pi_position = get<position>(*pi) + poffset; for (auto pj = particles.get_query().get_bucket_particles(j); pj != false; ++pj) { if ((pi_position - get<position>(*pj)).squaredNorm() < radius) { // each ij bucket pair is counted once, so need to // increment neighbour count for pi and pj get<neighbours_count>(*pi)++; get<neighbours_count>(*pj)++; } } } }
The above code considers particle pairs within neighbouring buckets, but
not those within the same bucket. These pairs can be obtained by simply looping
through all the buckets in the cell-list, using the Aboria::CellListQuery::get_subtree
or Aboria::CellListOrderedQuery::get_subtree
For example:
for (auto i = particles.get_query().get_subtree(); i != false; ++i) { for (auto pi = particles.get_query().get_bucket_particles(*i); pi != false; ++pi) { get<neighbours_count>(*pi)++; // self is a neighbour for (auto pj = pi + 1; pj != false; ++pj) { if ((get<position>(*pi) - get<position>(*pj)).squaredNorm() < radius) { get<neighbours_count>(*pi)++; get<neighbours_count>(*pj)++; } } } }
After the code given above, the variable neighbour_count
for each particle will contain the number of neighbouring particles around
that particle. Note that this will only be correct if the width of each cell
is greater than radius
A kd-tree builds up a hierarchical tree of cells, with only the leaf cells actually containing particles. It is an efficient data structure to use if you have a high number of dimensions or if your particles are clustered in certain regions of the domain, and so you wish to adapt the size of your cells with the local particle density.
Each level of the tree divides the cells in the parent level along a certain
dimension (the dimension is chosen based on the distribution of particles
within the cell). Any cells that contain a number of particles that is smaller
than a given threshold (set in Aboria::Particles::init_neighbour_search
are marked as leaf cells, and are not divided on subsequent levels.
There are two possible kd-trees in Aboria. The first is a custom implementation, the second wraps the popular NanoFLANN library https://github.com/jlblancoc/nanoflann. However, Aboria's native neighbourhood queries are used instead of those provided with NanoFLANN. The NanoFLANN kd-tree is fastest for running in serial (the construction and updates for this data structure are not done in parallel), where-as the custom kd-tree is best if you are running in parallel, and is the only option if you are using a GPU.
The relevant classes within Aboria are Aboria::Kdtree
and Aboria::KdtreeQuery
for the custom implementation, and Aboria::KdtreeNanoflann
and Aboria::KdtreeNanoflannQuery
for the NanoFLANN implementation. You can create a particle set using a kd-tree
by setting the Aboria::Particles
template arguments accordingly.
typedef Particles<std::tuple<>, 3, std::vector, Kdtree> particle_kdtree_t; particle_kdtree_t particle_kd_tree;
typedef Particles<std::tuple<>, 3, std::vector, KdtreeNanoflann> particle_kdtree_nanoflann_t; particle_kdtree_nanoflann_t particle_kd_tree_nanoflann;
A hyper oct-tree is a generalisation of an oct-tree (in 3 dimensions) to
$N$ dimensions. Is also builds up a hierarchical tree of cells, however in
this case each level of the tree is split along all
dimensions, so that each cell has $2^N$ children. Any cells that contain
less that the given number of particles (set in Aboria::Particles::init_neighbour_search
are marked as leaf cells. Empty cells are included in the data structure,
but are ignored by any queries.
For example, the diagram below shows the leaf cells of a hyper oct-tree in 2 dimensions (this is the same as a quad-tree). If the user wishes to find all the particles within a given euclidean distance of the red particle, then Aboria will search through all the red-shaded cells for matching particles.
The relevant classes within Aboria are Aboria::octtree
and Aboria::HyperOctreeQuery
You can create a particle set using a hyper oct-tree by setting the Aboria::Particles
template arguments
typedef Particles<std::tuple<>, 3, std::vector, HyperOctree> particle_octtree_t; particle_octtree_t particle_octtree;
Aboria allows the user to search in a transformed coordinate space. This
is useful for example in searching in a skew coordinate system, which might
be neccessary if you wish to simulate a non-othorhombic periodic lattice
system. All of the distance search functions (e.g. Aboria::euclidean_search
take an optional parameter transform
which must be a function object defining two overloaded operator()
point, and returns the same point in the transformed space.
bounding box, and returns the side length of the axis-aligned box that
covers the given box in the transformed coordinate system.
For convenience, Aboria provides a ready to use class for linear transformations
which is created using Aboria::create_linear_transform
This class only requires the user to define the first operator()
function above, and assumes that this point
transform is linear with respect to the point position. For example,
struct MyTransform { auto operator()(const vdouble3 &v) const { return vdouble3(v[0] + 0.3 * v[1], v[1], v[2]); } }; auto skew_x = create_linear_transform<3>(MyTransform()); for (auto i = euclidean_search(particles.get_query(), vdouble3::Constant(0), radius, skew_x); i != false; ++i) { std::cout << "Found a particle with dx = " << i.dx() << " position = " << get<position>(*i) << " and id = " << get<id>(*i) << "\n"; }
The call to Aboria::euclidean_search
searches for points within a radius of radius
from the origin $(0,0,0)$, within new skew coordinate system defined by the
transformation given by the matrix $A$
$$ A = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0.3 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} $$
It is important to note that the dx
vector returned by i.dx()
the code above has been transformed to the new coordinate system, but all
the positions stored within the particle set (e.g. get<position>(*i)
) will still be in the original
coordinate system.