![]() |
Header: <Aboria.h>
- a $n$-dimensional
vector of a given type
Table 2. Creating a particle set
Class Name |
Description |
The main particle set container, implemented as a zipped set of vectors |
Objects of this class are normally never created. Instead, this class is used as a "tag" type, and is used to name variables that are added to the particle set |
This is a pre-processor macro that creates a |
Table 3. Getting particles and variables
Class Name |
Description |
This is used to refer to an individual particle in a |
This function is used to "get" a variable from a |
This class is an iterator for the |
Table 4. Neighbourhood Search Data Structures
Class Name |
Description |
This spatial data structure implements a cell list. That is, it divides
the space into a regular grid of cells, or buckets, that contain
particles. This is the default spatial data structure used within
This is similar to |
This implements a kdtree spatial data structure. |
This implements a kdtree spatial data structure. Note that this wraps the Nanoflann library <https://github.com/jlblancoc/nanoflann> for tree construction, but Aboria routines are used for all queries. |
This implements a hyper oct-tree data structure |
This is the query object for the |
This is the query object for the kd-tree data structure |
This is the query object for the kd-tree data structure |
This is the query object for the hyper oct-tree data structure |
Table 5. Internal Traits for Level 0 vector
To use a STL compatible vector to construct a |
Table 6. Neighbourhood Searching
Class Name |
Description |
performs a distance search around a given point, using a given p-norm for the distance measure |
performs a distance search around a given point, using euclidean distance |
performs a distance search around a given point, using manhatten distance |
performs a distance search around a given point, using chebyshev distance |
Table 7. Kernel Approximations
Class Name |
Description |
Class used to perform a fast multipole method. Takes a set of expansions that are used to approximate the kernel function |
Helper class that returns a |
Returns a set of expansions for the black box fast multipole method. Uses chebyshev interpolation to approximate a kernel function |
Same as |
Helper class that returns a |
Returns a set of expansions for the black box fast multipole method,
designed to be used in conjunction with |
Table 8. Eigen Wrapping
Class Name |
Description |
This is a matrix replacement class that can be used within the Eigen linear algebra library. It follows the layout given in the Eigen documentation for matrix-free operators. Note that this "matrix" can only be used in a matrix-vector multiply with a standard Eigen vector, or in Eigen's iterative solvers |
Table 9. Creating Eigen Kernel Operators
Class Name |
Description |
Creates an instance of |
Creates an instance of |
Creates an instance of |
Creates an instance of |
Creates an instance of |
Creates an instance of |
Takes one or more |
Table 10. Creating expression terminals
Class Name |
Description |
An object of this class is a symbolic reference to a particle's variable.
It is similar to |
An object of this class is a symbolic reference to a particle set, and can participate in symbolic expressions |
A function that creates a symbolic reference to the shortest difference
between two particle's positions. It takes two |
An object of this class is a symbolic reference to a accumulation (e.g. a summation) over a particle set |
Table 11. Symbolic functions
Class Name |
Description |
A lazy function that calculates the 2-norm of a vector |
A lazy function that calculates the inf-norm of a vector |
A lazy function that calculates the dot product of two vectors |
A lazy function that calculates the result of |
A lazy function that calculates the result of |
A lazy function that calculates the result of |
A lazy function that calculates the result of |
A lazy function that calculates the result of |
A lazy function that calculates the result of |
namespace Aboria { template<typename Traits> struct CellListQuery; template<typename Traits> class CellList; }
namespace Aboria { template<typename Traits> struct CellListOrdered_params; template<typename Traits> struct CellListOrderedQuery; template<typename Traits> class CellListOrdered; }
namespace Aboria { template<unsigned int D, typename InputIterator, typename OutputIterator, typename PositionIterator, typename Kernel> void chebyshev_interpolation(InputIterator input_iterator_begin, InputIterator input_iterator_end, OutputIterator output_iterator_begin, OutputIterator output_iterator_end, PositionIterator source_positions_begin, PositionIterator target_positions_begin, Kernel kernel, unsigned int n); }
namespace Aboria { template<typename VariableType, typename Functor, typename ExprRHS, typename LabelType> void evaluate_nonlinear(ExprRHS const &, LabelType &); }
namespace Aboria { template<typename Expansions, typename Kernel, typename RowParticles, typename ColParticles> class FastMultipoleMethod; template<unsigned int D, unsigned int N, typename Function, typename KernelHelper = detail::position_kernel_helper<D, Function>, typename Block = typename KernelHelper::Block> unspecified make_black_box_expansion(const Function & function); template<typename Expansions, typename Kernel, typename RowParticles, typename ColParticles> FastMultipoleMethod< Expansions, Kernel, RowParticles, ColParticles > make_fmm(const RowParticles & row_particles, const ColParticles & col_particles, const Expansions & expansions, const Kernel & kernel); }
ABORIA_UNARY_FUNCTION(function_name, function_to_wrap, domain) ABORIA_BINARY_FUNCTION(function_name, function_to_wrap, domain) ABORIA_TERNARY_FUNCTION(function_name, function_to_wrap, domain) ABORIA_TAGGED_FUNCTION(name, tag)
namespace Aboria { struct norm_fun; struct inf_norm_fun; struct dot_fun; struct exp_fun; struct sqrt_fun; struct sign_fun; struct erf_fun; struct erfc_fun; struct log_fun; struct abs_fun; struct pow_fun; template<typename T> struct reflect_fun; template<typename Expr> proto::result_of::make_expr< proto::tag::function, SymbolicDomain, norm_fun, Expr const & >::type const norm(Expr const &); template<typename Expr> proto::result_of::make_expr< proto::tag::function, SymbolicDomain, inf_norm_fun, Expr const & >::type const inf_norm(Expr const &); template<typename Expr1, typename Expr2> proto::result_of::make_expr< proto::tag::function, SymbolicDomain, dot_fun, Expr1 const &, Expr2 const & >::type const dot(Expr1 const &, Expr2 const &); template<typename Expr> proto::result_of::make_expr< proto::tag::function, SymbolicDomain, exp_fun, Expr const & >::type const exp(Expr const &); template<typename Expr> proto::result_of::make_expr< proto::tag::function, SymbolicDomain, sqrt_fun, Expr const & >::type const sqrt(Expr const &); template<typename Expr> proto::result_of::make_expr< proto::tag::function, SymbolicDomain, sign_fun, Expr const & >::type const sign(Expr const &); template<typename Expr> proto::result_of::make_expr< proto::tag::function, SymbolicDomain, erf_fun, Expr const & >::type const erf(Expr const &); template<typename Expr> proto::result_of::make_expr< proto::tag::function, SymbolicDomain, erfc_fun, Expr const & >::type const erfc(Expr const &); template<typename Expr> proto::result_of::make_expr< proto::tag::function, SymbolicDomain, log_fun, Expr const & >::type const log(Expr const &); template<typename Expr> proto::result_of::make_expr< proto::tag::function, SymbolicDomain, abs_fun, Expr const & >::type const abs(Expr const &); template<typename Expr1, typename Expr2> proto::result_of::make_expr< proto::tag::function, SymbolicDomain, pow_fun, Expr1 const &, Expr2 const & >::type const pow(Expr1 const &, Expr2 const &); ABORIA_TERNARY_FUNCTION(reflect_, reflect_fun< Expr3 >, SymbolicDomain); }
namespace Aboria { template<typename Tuple, typename MplVector> struct getter_type; template<typename iterator_tuple_type, typename mpl_vector_type> class zip_iterator; template<typename TupleType, typename MplVector> struct zip_pointer; template<typename MplVector, typename... Types> struct getter_type<std::tuple< Types...>, MplVector>; template<typename MplVector, typename TT1, typename TT2, typename TT3, typename TT4, typename TT5, typename TT6, typename TT7, typename TT8, typename TT9> struct getter_type<thrust::tuple< TT1, TT2, TT3, TT4, TT5, TT6, TT7, TT8, TT9 >, MplVector>; template<typename MplVector, typename... Types> struct zip_pointer<std::tuple< Types *...>, MplVector>; template<typename MplVector, typename TT1, typename TT2, typename TT3, typename TT4, typename TT5, typename TT6, typename TT7, typename TT8, typename TT9> struct zip_pointer<thrust::tuple< TT1, TT2, TT3, TT4, TT5, TT6, TT7, TT8, TT9 >, MplVector>; template<typename mpl_vector_type, typename... Types> class zip_iterator<std::tuple< Types...>, mpl_vector_type>; template<typename mpl_vector_type, typename... Types> class zip_iterator<thrust::tuple< Types...>, mpl_vector_type>; template<typename tuple_type, typename tuple_type2, typename mpl_vector_type> unspecified swap(getter_type< tuple_type, mpl_vector_type > x, getter_type< tuple_type2, mpl_vector_type > & y); template<typename tuple_type, typename tuple_type2, typename mpl_vector_type> unspecified swap(getter_type< tuple_type, mpl_vector_type > & x, getter_type< tuple_type2, mpl_vector_type > y); template<typename tuple_type, typename mpl_vector_type> void swap(getter_type< tuple_type, mpl_vector_type > x, getter_type< tuple_type, mpl_vector_type > y); template<typename Iterator> auto iterator_to_raw_pointer(const Iterator &); template<typename T, typename ValueType> ValueType::template return_type< T >::type const & get(const ValueType &); template<typename T, typename ValueType> ValueType::template return_type< T >::type & get(ValueType &); template<typename T, typename ValueType> ValueType::template return_type< T >::type & get(ValueType &&); template<unsigned int N, typename ValueType> unspecified get_by_index(const ValueType &); template<unsigned int N, typename ValueType> unspecified get_by_index(ValueType &); template<unsigned int N, typename ValueType> unspecified get_by_index(ValueType &&); }
namespace Aboria { class H2Lib_LR_Decomposition; class H2LibCholeskyDecomposition; class HLib_LR_Decomposition; class HLibCholeskyDecomposition; class H2LibMatrix; class HLibMatrix; template<unsigned int D, typename Function, typename KernelHelper = detail::position_kernel_helper<D, Function>, typename Block = typename KernelHelper::Block> unspecified make_h2lib_black_box_expansion(size_t order, const Function & function); template<typename Expansions, typename Kernel, typename RowParticlesType, typename ColParticlesType> HLibMatrix make_h2lib_h_matrix(const RowParticlesType & row_particles, const ColParticlesType & col_particles, const Expansions & expansions, const Kernel & kernel); template<typename Expansions, typename Kernel, typename RowParticlesType, typename ColParticlesType> H2LibMatrix make_h2lib_matrix(const RowParticlesType & row_particles, const ColParticlesType & col_particles, const Expansions & expansions, const Kernel & kernel, const double eta); }
namespace Aboria { template<typename Traits> struct KdtreeQuery; template<typename Traits> class Kdtree; template<typename Query> class KdtreeChildIterator; }
namespace Aboria { template<typename RowElements, typename ColElements, typename F> class KernelBase; template<typename RowElements, typename ColElements, typename F> class KernelDense; template<typename RowElements, typename ColElements, typename F> class KernelMatrix; template<typename RowElements, typename ColElements, typename PositionF, size_t QuadratureOrder = 8, typename F = detail::position_kernel<RowElements, ColElements, PositionF> > class KernelChebyshev; template<typename RowElements, typename ColElements, typename PositionF, typename F> class KernelH2; template<typename RowElements, typename ColElements, typename PositionF, typename F, unsigned int N> class KernelFMM; template<typename RowElements, typename ColElements, typename FRadius, typename FWithDx, typename F = detail::sparse_kernel<RowElements, ColElements, FRadius, FWithDx> > class KernelSparse; template<typename RowElements, typename ColElements, typename F, typename RadiusFunction = detail::constant_radius<RowElements> > class KernelSparseConst; template<typename RowElements, typename ColElements, typename F = detail::zero_kernel<RowElements, ColElements> > class KernelZero; }
namespace Aboria { template<unsigned int D> class lattice_iterator; }
ASSERT(condition, message) ASSERT_CUDA(condition) CHECK(condition, message) CHECK_CUDA(condition, message) ERROR(message) ERROR_CUDA(message) ABORIA_LOG_LEVEL LOG(level, message) LOG_CUDA(level, message) LOG_CUDA1(level, message, variable) LOG_CUDA2(level, message, variable1, variable2) LOG_BOLD(level, message)
namespace Aboria { template<typename Traits> class KdtreeNanoflann; template<typename Traits> struct KdtreeNanoflannQuery; template<typename Traits> class nanoflann_child_iterator; }
namespace Aboria { template<typename IteratorType> struct iterator_range; template<typename Derived, typename Traits, typename QueryType> class neighbour_search_base; template<typename Traits> struct NeighbourQueryBase; template<typename Traits> class ranges_iterator; template<typename Traits> class linked_list_iterator; template<typename Traits, typename Iterator> class index_vector_iterator; template<typename Query> class depth_first_iterator; template<typename Query, int LNormNumber, typename Transform> class tree_query_iterator; template<typename Query, int LNormNumber, typename Transform> class lattice_iterator_within_distance; template<typename IteratorType> iterator_range< IteratorType > make_iterator_range(IteratorType &&, IteratorType &&); }
namespace Aboria { template<typename Traits> struct HyperOctreeQuery; template<typename Traits> class HyperOctree; template<unsigned int D> class octree_child_iterator; }
namespace Aboria { template<unsigned int NI, unsigned int NJ, typename Blocks> class MatrixReplacement; template<typename RowParticles, typename ColParticles, typename F, typename Kernel = KernelDense<RowParticles, ColParticles, F>, typename Operator = MatrixReplacement<1, 1, std::tuple<Kernel>> > Operator create_dense_operator(const RowParticles &, const ColParticles &, const F &); template<typename RowParticles, typename ColParticles, typename F, typename Kernel = KernelMatrix<RowParticles, ColParticles, F>, typename Operator = MatrixReplacement<1, 1, std::tuple<Kernel>> > Operator create_matrix_operator(const RowParticles &, const ColParticles &, const F &); template<typename RowParticles, typename ColParticles, typename F, typename Kernel = KernelChebyshev<RowParticles, ColParticles, F>, typename Operator = MatrixReplacement<1, 1, std::tuple<Kernel>> > Operator create_chebyshev_operator(const RowParticles &, const ColParticles &, const unsigned int, const F &); template<unsigned int N, typename RowParticles, typename ColParticles, typename PositionF, typename F, typename Kernel = KernelFMM<RowParticles, ColParticles, PositionF, F, N>, typename Operator = MatrixReplacement<1, 1, std::tuple<Kernel>> > Operator create_fmm_operator(const RowParticles &, const ColParticles &, const PositionF &, const F &); template<typename RowParticles, typename ColParticles, typename PositionF, typename F, typename Kernel = KernelH2<RowParticles, ColParticles, PositionF, F>, typename Operator = MatrixReplacement<1, 1, std::tuple<Kernel>> > Operator create_h2_operator(const RowParticles &, const ColParticles &, const int, const PositionF &, const F &, const double = 1.0); template<typename RowParticles, typename ColParticles, typename FRadius, typename F, typename Kernel = KernelSparse<RowParticles, ColParticles, FRadius, F>, typename Operator = MatrixReplacement<1, 1, std::tuple<Kernel>>, typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_arithmetic<FRadius>::value>::type> Operator create_sparse_operator(const RowParticles &, const ColParticles &, const FRadius &, const F &); template<typename RowParticles, typename ColParticles, typename F, typename Kernel = KernelSparseConst<RowParticles, ColParticles, F>, typename Operator = MatrixReplacement<1, 1, std::tuple<Kernel>> > Operator create_sparse_operator(const RowParticles &, const ColParticles &, const double, const F &); template<typename RowParticles, typename ColParticles, typename Kernel = KernelZero<RowParticles, ColParticles>, typename Operator = MatrixReplacement<1, 1, std::tuple<Kernel>> > Operator create_zero_operator(const RowParticles &, const ColParticles &); template<unsigned int NI, unsigned int NJ, typename... T> MatrixReplacement< NI, NJ, std::tuple< typename std::tuple_element< 0, T >::type...> > create_block_operator(const MatrixReplacement< 1, 1, T > &...); }
namespace Aboria { template<typename VAR, unsigned int DomainD, template< typename, typename > class VECTOR, template< typename > class SearchMethod, typename TRAITS_USER> class Particles; }
namespace Aboria { template<typename Query, int LNormNumber, typename Transform = IdentityTransform> class search_iterator; template<typename Query> class bucket_pair_iterator; template<int LNormNumber, typename Query, typename Transform = IdentityTransform, typename SearchIterator = search_iterator<Query, LNormNumber, Transform> > SearchIterator distance_search(const Query &, const typename Query::double_d &, const double, const Transform & = Transform()); template<typename Query, typename Transform = IdentityTransform, typename SearchIterator = search_iterator<Query, -1, Transform> > SearchIterator chebyshev_search(const Query &, const typename Query::double_d &, const double, const Transform & = Transform()); template<typename Query, typename Transform = IdentityTransform, typename SearchIterator = search_iterator<Query, 1, Transform> > SearchIterator manhatten_search(const Query &, const typename Query::double_d &, const double, const Transform & = Transform()); template<typename Query, typename Transform = IdentityTransform, typename SearchIterator = search_iterator<Query, 2, Transform> > SearchIterator euclidean_search(const Query &, const typename Query::double_d &, const double, const Transform & = Transform()); template<typename Query, typename Iterator = bucket_pair_iterator<Query> > Iterator get_neighbouring_buckets(const Query &); }
namespace Aboria { template<unsigned int D> struct bbox; template<unsigned int D> std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &, const bbox< D > &); template<unsigned int D> bool circle_intersect_line(const Vector< double, D > &, const double, const Vector< double, D > &, const Vector< double, D > &); template<unsigned int D> bool circle_intersect_cube(const Vector< double, D > &, const double, const bbox< D > &); }
namespace Aboria { template<typename T> struct Symbol; template<unsigned int I, typename P> struct Label; template<typename L1, typename L2> struct Dx; struct Normal; struct Uniform; template<typename T, unsigned int N> struct VectorSymbolic; template<typename T> struct Accumulate; template<typename T, int LNormNumber = 2, typename Terminal = typename detail::accumulate_within_distance< T, mpl::int_<LNormNumber>> > struct AccumulateWithinDistance; template<typename T> struct min; template<typename T> struct max; template<typename Expr> unspecified deep_copy(Expr const &); template<typename Expr> unspecified eval(Expr &); template<typename Expr> unspecified eval(Expr &, unspecified); template<typename Expr, typename ParticleReference> unspecified eval(Expr &, const ParticleReference &); template<typename Expr, typename AnyRef> unspecified eval(Expr &, const AnyRef &); template<typename Expr> unspecified eval(Expr &, unspecified, unspecified, unspecified); template<typename Expr, typename AnyRef> unspecified eval(Expr &, unspecified, unspecified, const AnyRef &); template<typename Expr, typename AnyRef> unspecified eval(Expr &, unspecified, const AnyRef &, unspecified); template<typename Expr, typename AnyDx, typename AnyRef1, typename AnyRef2> unspecified eval(Expr &, const AnyDx &, const AnyRef1 &, const AnyRef2 &); template<typename Expr> unspecified is_trivially_zero(Expr &); // returnsfalse
for non constant expressions (might be not zero) template<typename Expr> unspecified is_trivially_zero(Expr & expr); // returnstrue
if the expression always evaluates tofalse
template<typename IfExpr> unspecified is_trivially_false(IfExpr & expr); // returnsfalse
for non constant expressions (might be notfalse
) template<typename IfExpr> unspecified is_trivially_false(IfExpr & expr); // returnstrue
if the expression always evaluates totrue
template<typename IfExpr> unspecified is_trivially_true(IfExpr & expr); // returnsfalse
for non constant expressions (might be nottrue
) template<typename IfExpr> unspecified is_trivially_true(IfExpr & expr); template<unsigned int I, typename P> Label< I, P > create_label(P & p); template<typename L1, typename L2> Dx< L1, L2 > create_dx(L1 &, L2 &); }
namespace Aboria { struct default_traits; template<template< typename, typename > class VECTOR> struct Traits; template<> struct Traits<std::vector>; template<> struct Traits<thrust::device_vector>; template<> struct Traits<thrust::host_vector>; template<typename ARG, unsigned int DomainD, unsigned int SelfD, typename TRAITS> struct TraitsCommon; template<typename traits, unsigned int DomainD, unsigned int SelfD, typename... TYPES> struct TraitsCommon<std::tuple< TYPES...>, DomainD, SelfD, traits>; }
namespace Aboria { struct IdentityTransform; template<unsigned int D, typename T> class LinearTransform; template<unsigned int D> class ScaleTransform; // create a LinearTransform template<unsigned int D, typename T> LinearTransform< D, T > create_linear_transform(const T & transform); // create a ScaleTransform template<unsigned int D> ScaleTransform< D > create_scale_transform(const Vector< double, D > & scale); }
namespace Aboria { template<typename T = void> void vtkWriteGrid(const char *, int, vtkSmartPointer< vtkUnstructuredGrid >, const std::map< std::string, double > & = {}); template<typename PTYPE, typename GTYPE, typename RNDGTYPE> void create_n_particles_with_rejection_sampling(const unsigned int n, PTYPE & particles, const GTYPE & generator_fun, const Vector< double, 3 > & low, const Vector< double, 3 > & high, RNDGTYPE & generator); template<typename T> void radial_distribution_function(const T & particles, const double min, const double max, const int n, std::vector< double > & out); // Assumes 2D particle set since we are drawing to a 2D canvas. template<typename Particles_t, typename Transform = IdentityTransform> void draw_particles_with_search(std::string filename, const Particles_t & particles, const std::vector< Vector< double, 2 >> & search_points, double search_radius, const Transform & transform = Transform()); }
namespace Aboria { template<typename T, typename NAME> struct Variable; }
namespace Aboria { template<typename T, unsigned int N> class Vector; template<typename T> struct is_vector; template<typename T, unsigned int N> struct is_vector<Vector< T, N >>; template<typename T> struct is_eigen_vector; template<typename T, int N> struct is_eigen_vector<Eigen::Matrix< T, N, 1 >>; template<typename T, typename Enable = void> struct scalar; template<typename T> struct scalar<T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value >::type>; template<typename T> struct scalar<T, typename std::enable_if< is_vector< T >::value >::type>; template<typename T, typename Enable = void> struct dim; template<typename T> struct dim<T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value >::type>; template<typename T> struct dim<T, typename std::enable_if< is_vector< T >::value >::type>; typedef Vector< double, 1 > vdouble1; typedef Vector< double, 2 > vdouble2; typedef Vector< double, 3 > vdouble3; typedef Vector< double, 4 > vdouble4; typedef Vector< double, 5 > vdouble5; typedef Vector< double, 6 > vdouble6; typedef Vector< double, 7 > vdouble7; typedef Vector< int, 1 > vint1; typedef Vector< int, 2 > vint2; typedef Vector< int, 3 > vint3; typedef Vector< int, 4 > vint4; typedef Vector< int, 5 > vint5; typedef Vector< int, 6 > vint6; typedef Vector< int, 7 > vint7; typedef Vector< bool, 1 > vbool1; typedef Vector< bool, 2 > vbool2; typedef Vector< bool, 3 > vbool3; typedef Vector< bool, 4 > vbool4; typedef Vector< bool, 5 > vbool5; typedef Vector< bool, 6 > vbool6; typedef Vector< bool, 7 > vbool7; // returns arg.pow(exponent) template<typename T, unsigned int N, typename EXP_T> Vector< T, N > pow(Vector< T, N > arg, EXP_T exponent); // unary-
operator for Vector class template<typename T, unsigned int N> Vector< double, N > operator-(const Vector< T, N > & arg1); // binary+
operator for Vector class template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T1>::value>::type> Vector< double, N > operator+(const T1 & arg1, const Vector< T2, N > & arg2); template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T2>::value>::type> Vector< double, N > operator+(const Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const T2 & arg2); template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N> Vector< double, N > operator+(const Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const Vector< T2, N > & arg2); template<int , int , unsigned int N> Vector< int, N > operator+(const Vector< int, N > & arg1, const Vector< int, N > & arg2); template<int , int , unsigned int N> Vector< int, N > operator+(const int & arg1, const Vector< int, N > & arg2); template<int , int , unsigned int N> Vector< int, N > operator+(const Vector< int, N > & arg1, const int & arg2); // binary-
operator for Vector class template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T1>::value>::type> Vector< double, N > operator-(const T1 & arg1, const Vector< T2, N > & arg2); template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T2>::value>::type> Vector< double, N > operator-(const Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const T2 & arg2); template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N> Vector< double, N > operator-(const Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const Vector< T2, N > & arg2); template<int , int , unsigned int N> Vector< int, N > operator-(const Vector< int, N > & arg1, const Vector< int, N > & arg2); template<int , int , unsigned int N> Vector< int, N > operator-(const int & arg1, const Vector< int, N > & arg2); template<int , int , unsigned int N> Vector< int, N > operator-(const Vector< int, N > & arg1, const int & arg2); // binary/
operator for Vector class template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T1>::value>::type> Vector< double, N > operator/(const T1 & arg1, const Vector< T2, N > & arg2); template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T2>::value>::type> Vector< double, N > operator/(const Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const T2 & arg2); template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N> Vector< double, N > operator/(const Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const Vector< T2, N > & arg2); template<int , int , unsigned int N> Vector< int, N > operator/(const Vector< int, N > & arg1, const Vector< int, N > & arg2); template<int , int , unsigned int N> Vector< int, N > operator/(const int & arg1, const Vector< int, N > & arg2); template<int , int , unsigned int N> Vector< int, N > operator/(const Vector< int, N > & arg1, const int & arg2); // binary*
operator for Vector class template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T1>::value>::type> Vector< double, N > operator*(const T1 & arg1, const Vector< T2, N > & arg2); template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T2>::value>::type> Vector< double, N > operator*(const Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const T2 & arg2); template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N> Vector< double, N > operator*(const Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const Vector< T2, N > & arg2); template<int , int , unsigned int N> Vector< int, N > operator*(const Vector< int, N > & arg1, const Vector< int, N > & arg2); template<int , int , unsigned int N> Vector< int, N > operator*(const int & arg1, const Vector< int, N > & arg2); template<int , int , unsigned int N> Vector< int, N > operator*(const Vector< int, N > & arg1, const int & arg2); template<typename T, int N, unsigned int M> Vector< T, N > operator*(const Eigen::Matrix< T, N, int(M)> matrix, const Vector< T, M > & arg); // binary>
comparison operator for Vector class template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N> Vector< bool, N > operator>(const Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const Vector< T2, N > & arg2); template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T2>::value>::type> Vector< bool, N > operator>(const Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const T2 & arg2); // binary<
comparison operator for Vector class template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N> Vector< bool, N > operator<(const Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const Vector< T2, N > & arg2); template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T2>::value>::type> Vector< bool, N > operator<(const Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const T2 & arg2); // binary<=
comparison operator for Vector class template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N> Vector< bool, N > operator<=(const Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const Vector< T2, N > & arg2); template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T2>::value>::type> Vector< bool, N > operator<=(const Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const T2 & arg2); // binary>=
comparison operator for Vector class template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N> Vector< bool, N > operator>=(const Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const Vector< T2, N > & arg2); template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T2>::value>::type> Vector< bool, N > operator>=(const Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const T2 & arg2); // binary==
comparison operator for Vector class template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N> Vector< bool, N > operator==(const Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const Vector< T2, N > & arg2); template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T2>::value>::type> Vector< bool, N > operator==(const Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const T2 & arg2); // binary!=
comparison operator for Vector class template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N> Vector< bool, N > operator!=(const Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const Vector< T2, N > & arg2); template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T2>::value>::type> Vector< bool, N > operator!=(const Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const T2 & arg2); // compound assign+=
comparison operator for Vector class template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N> Vector< double, N > & operator+=(Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const Vector< T2, N > & arg2); template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N> Vector< double, N > & operator+=(Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const T2 & arg2); template<int , int , unsigned int N> Vector< int, N > & operator+=(Vector< int, N > & arg1, const Vector< int, N > & arg2); template<int , int , unsigned int N> Vector< int, N > & operator+=(Vector< int, N > & arg1, const int & arg2); // compound assign-=
comparison operator for Vector class template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N> Vector< double, N > & operator-=(Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const Vector< T2, N > & arg2); template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N> Vector< double, N > & operator-=(Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const T2 & arg2); template<int , int , unsigned int N> Vector< int, N > & operator-=(Vector< int, N > & arg1, const Vector< int, N > & arg2); template<int , int , unsigned int N> Vector< int, N > & operator-=(Vector< int, N > & arg1, const int & arg2); // compound assign*=
comparison operator for Vector class template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N> Vector< double, N > & operator*=(Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const Vector< T2, N > & arg2); template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N> Vector< double, N > & operator*=(Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const T2 & arg2); template<int , int , unsigned int N> Vector< int, N > & operator*=(Vector< int, N > & arg1, const Vector< int, N > & arg2); template<int , int , unsigned int N> Vector< int, N > & operator*=(Vector< int, N > & arg1, const int & arg2); // compound assign/=
comparison operator for Vector class template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N> Vector< double, N > & operator/=(Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const Vector< T2, N > & arg2); template<typename T1, typename T2, unsigned int N> Vector< double, N > & operator/=(Vector< T1, N > & arg1, const T2 & arg2); template<int , int , unsigned int N> Vector< int, N > & operator/=(Vector< int, N > & arg1, const Vector< int, N > & arg2); template<int , int , unsigned int N> Vector< int, N > & operator/=(Vector< int, N > & arg1, const int & arg2); template<typename T, int I> double norm(const Vector< T, I > &); // return arg1.squaredNorm() template<typename T, int I> double squaredNorm(const Vector< T, I > & arg1); template<typename T1, typename T2, int I> double dot(const Vector< T1, I > &, const Vector< T2, I > &); // cross-product function for 3D vectors template<typename T> Vector< T, 3 > cross(const Vector< T, 3 > & arg1, const Vector< T, 3 > & arg2); // returns the input Vector x (for Eigen) template<typename T, unsigned int N> const Vector< T, N > & conj(const Vector< T, N > & x); // returns the input Vector x (for Eigen) template<typename T, unsigned int N> const Vector< T, N > & real(const Vector< T, N > & x); // returns imaginary component of Vector class (i.e. 0, for Eigen) template<typename T, unsigned int N> const Vector< T, N > imag(const Vector< T, N > & x); template<typename T, unsigned int N> const Vector< T, N > abs(const Vector< T, N > &); // element-wisee_i*e_i
function for Vector class template<typename T, unsigned int N> const Vector< T, N > abs2(const Vector< T, N > & x); // stream output operator for Vector class template<typename T, unsigned int N> std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, const Vector< T, N > & v); // stream input operator for Vector class template<typename T, unsigned int N> std::istream & operator>>(std::istream & out, Vector< T, N > & v); }namespace boost { namespace serialization { template<typename Archive, typename S, int Rows_, int Cols_, int Ops_, int MaxRows_, int MaxCols_> void serialize(Archive & ar, Eigen::Matrix< S, Rows_, Cols_, Ops_, MaxRows_, MaxCols_ > & matrix, const unsigned int version); template<typename Archive, typename S, int Dim_, int Mode_, int Options_> void serialize(Archive & ar, Eigen::Transform< S, Dim_, Mode_, Options_ > & transform, const unsigned int version); } }